Shiloh Cemetery Transcription
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Shiloh Methodist Church
Hwy. 92 South,
Rutledge, TN 37861
Shiloh Methodist Church located about 6 miles South on TN Hwy. 92 on left side of road. Turn left up hill to church, and cemetery is located behind and to the right of present church.
Donated to those in search of family in memory of my parents, Sterl and Mattie Mayes of Middlesboro, KY, who passed away in January, 1995. In honor of our Ancestors James G. Mayes and wife Martha McDaniel buried here in Shiloh Cemetery. — Sam Mayes, Transcriber
People buried here include those graves reinterred here by the TVA in 1941 from the Reed Chapel and Cockrum Cemeteries.
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