Petition to Sell Land of J. L. Jarnigan, Deceased
Grainger County Court: Petition to sell land, J G Walker and J D Curl, administrators of J L Jarnigan, dec’d. N R Davis and wife and others, On motion and by order of the court at the July term 1861, it appearing that N R Davis and William N Jarnagin and Newton Jarnagin, three of the defendants in said cause are non-residents of the State of Tennessee, it is ordered that they appear at our next county court to be held for said county at the Courthouse in Rutledge on the first Monday in November, next, then and there to plead, answer or demur to Plantiff’s bill or the same will be taken as confessed by them and set for hearing. R P Moore, Clerk
Source: The Daily Southern Chronicle, Saturday, August 21, 1863
Transcribed by Robert McGinnis and used with his permission.
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