Mrs. Sarah Austin Obituary
Departed this life at Austin’s Ferry, Grainger county, Tenn., November 24th, at half past 4 o’clock a.m. in the 41st year of her age, Mrs. Sarah, consort of Rev. Clisbe Austin, after an illness of some weeks.
On the day previous to her dissolution, hopes were entertained of her restoration to health and the embraces of her many friends. But, Oh! How deceitful are Death’s smiles and promises to man, suddenly and unexpectedly he returned with his insatiate appetite for human slaughter and laid her whom we now sadly mourn at his feet.
Sister Austin was born and raised in Hawkins county, Tenn., has been for more than fifteen years an orderly and exemplary member of the M E Church, embraced religion at Sulphur Springs Camp Ground, Jefferson county, Tenn., since which she has lived the devoted Christian, the affectionate friend and companion, the kind neighbor and the engaging acquaintance…
A few minutes before she expired, she said she would have to suffer but little longer, her kind Husband asked her if she felt Jesus, precious to her soul in that trying moment, Oh Yes, she said, Oh that I could see the welcome hour and with this she folder her hands and softly breathed her last….
Source: The Jonesborough Whig and Independent Journal, Wednesday, November 30, 1842
Transcribed by Robert McGinnis and used with his permission.
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