Margaret Ellen Shields Obituary
Died on the 18th day of January, 1847, of chronic bronchitis, at her father’s house, in Grainger county, Margaret Ellen Shields, eldest daughter of Dr. Samuel and Mrs. Eliza Shields, aged 10 years, two months and 16 days.
During an illness of seven or eight months, she bore her affliction with great fortitude considering her tender years, often manifesting that cheerfulness of disposition which so strongly characterized her days of health. Many things might be said of Ellen Shields, the recollection of which will ever render her memory dear to all those who have enjoyed her society.
She was a tender and affectionate daughter, a kind sister, an obedient scholar, agreeable companion and warm-hearted friend. Whilst in the school room I have seen her, though young, zealously engaged in storing her mind with knowledge and have rejoiced in her speedy progress. She loved instruction and gathered rapidly the golden treasurers of thought. Her company was pleasant…
Her mind remained unimpaired during her last moments. A few days previous to her death, she with calm resignation told her mother whom she dearly loved, what she wished her to do with her little presents when she was gone. And when the hour of her final dissolution was come, she endeavored to comfort her much distressed parents and friends. Afterwards she said, Oh Lord, let me die, and in a short time yielded up her disembodied spirit….
Source: Knoxville Register, Wednesday, February 17, 1847
Transcribed by Robert McGinnis and used with his permission.
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