Mrs. Matilda E. Acuff Obituary
Died in Bledsoe county, Tenn., March 11th, 1847, Mrs. Matilda E Acuff, consort of Mr. John H Acuff, in the 25th year of her age.
The deceased became a member of the Church when 14 years old and she was always an acceptable and worthy member. Naturally of a serious, thoughtful turn of mind, yet she was far from being melancholy, her piety gave to her character that stability and excellence which never fail to recommend Christianity more effectually than any profession. All acquainted with her will remember how eminently she possessed a meek and quiet spirit. She rejoiced on the Lord’s day to meet the congregation of the righteous and join them in acts of social worship.
The day she died, when in her accustomed health and not at all expecting such an event at least not more than usual, she was heard to sing this hymn: "How sweet the name of Jesus sounds." Her summons came for her in haste, but she was ready to go. In the full possession of all her faculties, she saw her end approach without a change of countenance and with that calmness and composure which the hope of the Christian religion alone can inspire. Her infant, an hour or two old, being presented to her, she affectionately kissed it and said: "Poor child, it has no mother." Then embracing her sister and husband, she exclaimed, "My Lord, My Life, My Way, My End," and added, "I am gone – gone – gone," and closed her eyes in death.
Source: Knoxville Register, Wednesday, April 7, 1847
Transcribed by Robert McGinnis and used with his permission.
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