Petition Regarding Register & Rangers, 1800
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Source: “Ansearchin'” News, Vol. 28, No. 2 (Summer, 1981), pg. 79. No copyright infringement is intended by posting this information for the benefit of researchers.
Copied from photocopies of original records in Tennessee State Archives, Nashville, TN, by Betty Givens Moore and Betsy Foster West
To the Honorable the General Assembly of the State of Tennessee
The petition of a number of the inhabitants of Grainger County humbly Representeth:
That it is believed much inconvenience will result to the Citizens of said county from the operation of an act recently passed by your honorable Body which compells the Register & Rangers of the respective counties in said State to remove their offices to, & hold them at their respective court-houses.
That at a Court held for said county at the court-house in the town of Rutlage in february last the Register of said county tendered his Resignation to the court which was accepted — That although there were sundry persons residing in said Town well qualified to fill the office of Register with ability, yet not one
could be induced to accept said office who resided at the court-house — That the said office is one of high importance to the public, yet the fees of office are so inconsiderable as not to authorize a person comfortably settled on a farm in the country to remove to town to attend to the Duties of said office:
We the undersigned your memorialists therefore pray the premises considered that you will be pleased so to modify the abovementioned act as to permit the Register & Rangers of Grainger county to hold his offices at any place in said county Provided the distance from the Registers office to the Court-house does not exceed five or six miles.
And your Petitioners as in Duty bound will ever pray, etc.
Philip Sigler
Jarimiah Mince Noah Ashly William Asher Peter Hammick William Webster Jonathen Branson Charles Drake William Waggoner John Blackburn Isaac Long Thomas James Archibald Greer Samuel Waggoner Thomas Morres Thomas Boullon Morten Morres Daniel Hammick Elijah Long |
John Bolton
Marten Thornbury [Thornburg ?] Richard Thornbury [Thornburg ?] William Capts John Mapels Isaac Davis Charles Hutcheson William Patton Walker Allen John Baker Benjamin Moon Andrew Seabolt John Nall Thomas Brown John Parker David Watson William Lane James Lane Senr. John Selvidge |
James Lane Junr.
William Pasley Jeremiah Lovel David Elkins Gorge Lovel Philip Parker Abraham Elliot Samuel Bunch Wm. Sims Obadiah Walters Joel Witt N. Jarnagin Robert Caton William Garrett John Ray Chessley Jarnagin Enouch Winds (?) Jeremiah Jarnagin |
Petition – In Senate Augt 11th 1800 Read and refered to the Committee of Propositions & Grievances and sent to the House of Representatives – Jno. N. Gamble, Clk.
House of Representatives – Augt 11th 1800
Read and refered as by the Senate E. Scott, Clk.
Petition Regarding Register & Rangers, 1800 — No Comments
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