Grainger County Scholastic Population 1833, School Districts 6-7
Transcribed and annotated by, and copyright 2023 to, Meri Arnett-Kremian.
Extracted from a handwritten sheaf of papers collectively entitled Grainger County, Tennessee, Common School Papers 1833-1834, with the following attribution:
Copied by Olivia M. Mason for Grainger County
Completed August 31, 1938
Mrs. Margaret H. Richardson
Mrs. P. J. Allen
The pages may have been compiled for the Historical Records Survey of the Works Progress Administration. The FamilySearch microfilm number is 007896497. Click here to browse the original microfilm images.
(image 1540 of 1599)
District No. 6
No. of children 54
September 15, 1833
William Christmas | 3 |
Henry Boatman | 1 |
James Ivy | 3 |
Jacob Noe | 3 |
John Hickson | 3 |
Jane Lynn | 5 |
Joseph Rich | 3 |
George W. Rich | 3 |
Joseph Beets | 5 |
James Barton | 1 |
Thomas Brooks | 4 |
David Counts | 2 |
P. B. Cobb | 2 |
Benjamin Carroll | 4 |
David Owen | 3 |
Pyrrham Coal | 2 |
Thomas Turley | 6 |
John Newman | 1 |
TOTAL | 54 |
I do hereby certify that the above is a correct list of the number of children between the ages of six and eighteen years in school District No. 6 this September 25, 1833.
David Counts (his mark)
(image 1542 of 1599)
District No. 7
Number of Children 50
20th of August 1833
A true list of all the children between the age of six and eighteen in the bounds of District No. 7
Person | Number |
D. C. Carmichael | 1 |
E. (Elias) Wester | 1 |
Zera MaGee | 3 |
James Bird | 3 |
Andrew Coffman | 3 |
William Henry | 2 |
Johnson Brient | 5 |
Pleasant Western | 1 |
Widow Hopper | 1 |
Widow Jones | 4 |
John Hixson | 3 |
Widow Keeten | 1 |
Henry Bowen | 2 |
F. Bibbins | 4 |
Joseph Daniel | 4 |
T. Solomon | 2 |
Israel Rogers | 3 |
John Joyce | 3 |
B. Glosup | 1 |
Legan Mayes | 2 |
TOTAL | 50 |
[transcriber’s note: by my count 48]
(image 1543 of 1599)
I certify the within to be the no. of children of the within Described ages in the 7th School District for the present half year August 20th 1833.
Elias Wester
Annotations re: Listed Heads of Families
Grainger County Scholastic Population 1833, School Districts 6-7 — No Comments
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