Grainger County in 1882
County seat, Rutledge, having 126 inhabitants. Other towns are, Tate Springs and Mineral Hill Springs, which are both noted summer resorts.
Navigable streams are the Holston and Clinch rivers, which afford water for flat boats. Besides these rivers there are a great number of creeks which furnish abundant water power.
The general surface of the county is made up of a number of flute-like valleys and ridges running from northeast to southwest.
The soil is generally good. There is great abundance of timber of many varieties, the oaks and pines predominating.
The mineral resources of Grainger county are undeveloped, though valuable minerals are believed to exist. The agricultural products are corn, wheat, oats and the various grasses, clover predominating among the grasses.
In the county there are a number of manufacturing establishments on a small scale.
The principal religious denominations are Methodists, Baptists and Dunkards.
County taxation on $100: for schools 15 cents; for roads, 15 cents; for county purposes, 30 cents; special tax to pay indebtedness, 25 cents.
Source: Hawkins, A. W., and Colton, Henry E., eds. Hand-book of Tennessee. Knoxville: Whig and Chronicle Steam Book and Job Printing Office (1882), pg. 92.
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